Sunday, March 4, 2012

Spring emerges for Agile frog

It finally came. The spring, that is. It’s getting warmer and warmer, so yesterday I decided to go for a walk through the forest to check out, if there are any frog activities yet (although, it is not warm enough yet) and if there are any of harbingers of spring.

So, this is what I found:

I went through a forest, which was very swampy, and I suspected that there should be some frog activity in a few weeks. So, I checked a few of the tiny forest steams, to find a place where they would naturally be to bread. It didn’t take long to fiund these two:

Male and female of  Agile frog (Rana dalmatina).

They were probably the first pair of Agile frog (Rana dalamatina) here, because in an hour of walk, after finding these two, I couldn't see any other frog anywhere else.

Then I climbed to the top of a hill, since I had to get to the second wally, and so I went through this beautiful Scotsh Pine (Pinus sylvestris) forest.

I finally came to the Spring Snowflake (Leucojum vernum). Everything around me was in the White.

Next weekend I’m going again!

So read you next time.


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