So, I’m starting with my blog for, which time now? Second, third or even forth time? The problem is, that I just can’t stick with it. But hopefully, I’ll try to keep up with this one.
As you have already seen, on my profile text, I’ll write mostly about bamboo, books and wild life. Why bamboo and wild life? Well let us start at the beginning.
I am a gardener. I liked plants even when I was a little. And so I went, and I completed school for this profession. Actually my profession title is horticultural technician. And right now I am in college, studying for Horticultural Engineer at School of Horticulture and Visual Arts Celje. So there is where my passion for plants and working with them, grew even stronger. Gardening is not just something that I would do for living, it is also my biggest hobby. But two certain topics in this big world of horticulture are still, above others, my favourite. Bamboo, which I fell in love with, because of a novel book. And wildlife, because I think, you can get much more out of a garden if you have wildlife in it. It’s just more complete!
What will you read here about bamboo? Mostly my new discoveries about this plant, my observations of the bamboo plants I have at home, and so on and on. Actually, I decided to write a bamboo journal about my plants, so why not share this with you guys?
What will you read here about wildlife? Oh, I just love animals! Right now I’m finnishing my college and for my diploma, I have chosen wildlife in gardens. What will the exact title on my diploma be, I don’t know jet. But I will keep you posted. Oh, (just) right now, I can show you some photos of the Peregrine Falcon, of which I took pictures on cliffs in Portpatric (Scotland).
What will you read here about books? All sorts of stuff. I really didn’t like reading until I was 15. But then it just opened up to me, and this is one of my passions.
And now would probably be the appropriate moment to tell you something about myself. But I won't bother you with that. You’ll get to know me :D
So read you next time!
PS.: I love anime also!
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