Finally the autumn has come. Everything was still green and warm only a week ago . It seemed then, that the summer just didn’t want to go. But then, in just a few days of rain the temperatures dropped rapidly, and the trees changed their leaves from green to yellow, like if you would turn a switch on.
Well, with the cold my P. nigra came at risk. Of course, this bamboo can hold on even to -15°C, but I don’t want to take any risks, for the plant to get frost damage. Well, if it was only for the cold and snow, it would have been ok, but the problem is: where my bamboo grows it doesn't have enough shelter, so It’s pretty windy, what is usually the main cause for winter drought.
What I have done is, that I have “protected” my bamboo against winter. And here is, how I had done it:
First, I tied the bamboo up, on several places from bottom to top, so that the plant itself is protected by it’s leaves, and because it is easier to do the next steps, where the branches could be damaged during the process.
Second, I put a net for defense (which was a leftover form when we put the fence on) around the bamboo and stuffed it with straw, which will protect the lower and underground parts of the plant. Last year, when I also did it this way, I stuffed it with straw a little to much, so the water didn’t drain as it should, and because of that, I found a few rotten leaves on culms above ground, therefore this year I didn't go so tuff on stuffing.
Then I put a 1,60m long stick next to the plant, and tied up the upper parts of bamboo on it, for stability.
And as the third part, I put the so-called winter felt around it. First on the lower part, and then on upper. I have fixed the whole lower part with stones, and then did the same with the upper one, just that I didn’t use straw there. I tied up everything with a rope, so that the wind wouldn’t get any funny ideas.
When I was preparing the bamboo for the winter, I also removed one of the rhizomes, that came up the same as some others, of which I have already written about in post: 'Dividing Phyllostachys nigra'. At first, I wanted to throw it away, but then I noticed it had already had roots on it, and I saw some sleeping buds on it as well.
So, I planted it, and what will happen will happen.
I also have to tell you, that only one of the small plants has survived; the one with more roots. It has already made its first shoot.
And now, the final part of my Autumn update are moso sprouts. I’m quite happy with the results. Out of 30 seeds, 10 of them sprouted. So, I had 33,3% germination rate. But, of course, not all of them will survive. Three of the them are quite in a bad shape; they just don’t want to develop. But I also have two different from the others.
One of them has yellow stripes on its leaves, so I assume, that this one could be P. e. ‘Bicolor’.
And the other is much lighter than the others, so the leaves as the stem. At first, I thought that it’s because of soil; that it didn’t get enough nutrients; but it had the same soil as the others, as well as other conditions as light, water, temperature, … So, I hope, it’s a different variety. If you have any clue about this, as of which it could be, please le me know.
You probably remember, that I have sown F.nitida seeds. Sadly nothing has come out yet, and I’m start to lose hope, that anything will happen.
So, read you next time.